Managed WordPress Ecommerce ヘルプ

About Discount Link Settings

The Discount links settings are available for your coupons in Managed WordPress Ecommerce. You can use these settings if you'd like to apply coupons using URLs.

Apply via URL

When you check this checkbox, the coupon will be applied when your customer visits a unique URL, or a page on your site. If you want the customer to manually enter the coupon code(s) instead, keep this setting disabled.

Apply Coupon When

For a URL coupon, you can use either an existing page on your site, or a unique URL of your choosing. This setting enables you to choose between these options.

Choose page

This option only appears when you select User visits an existing page under the Apply Coupon When. This will default to your store's cart page, although you can select any page or post on your site.

Unique URL

This option only appears when you select User visits a unique URL under the Apply coupon when setting. You can enter a URL in this box, and it will create a live link that the customer can visit to have the discount applied. There's a live preview that displays the full URL next to the text input box.

Page Redirect

This option only appears when you select User visits a unique URL under the Apply coupon when setting. It allows you to select which page the customer should be redirected to after visiting the link. For instance, you might want to redirect customers to your shop page. The default setting is your cart page.

Products to Add to Cart

This is an optional setting that allows you to add products to the cart when the discount link is visited. If you're wanting to add a particular variation of a product to the cart, make sure you've selected the correct attributes.

Defer Apply

This is an optional setting which enables your site to "remember" the coupon in case the customer's cart doesn't meet the requirements for the coupon. Once the requirements are met, the coupon will be automatically applied. If you keep this setting disabled, the coupon will only check for requirements once, so if it fails on the initial attempt, the coupon won't be re-applied.

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