Domains ヘルプ

Consolidate my domain renewal dates

Synchronize the renewal dates for your .com and .net domains with ConsoliDate. You can customize the renewal date for your domains and set them to all renew at the same time.

Note: Domains can only be consolidated once per year.
  1. Sign in to your GoDaddy Domain Portfolio. (Need help logging in? Find your username or password.)
  2. Select the checkboxes next to the domains you'll be updating. Or, select the checkbox next to Domain Name and then choose Select All.
    screenshot of multiple domains selected
  3. Select Consolidate Dates from the action menu.
    • Depending on your screen size, you may need to select the More menu and scroll down to see Consolidate Dates.
  4. Choose the new Renew on date. Select a date in the future beyond the current expiration date of all selected domains.
  5. Select Check Out and complete your purchase.

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