Websites + Marketing ヘルプ

Add product categories

Help your customers quickly find what they need in your store by creating product categories and subcategories.

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Scroll down, expand Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your site.
  3. On your dashboard, expand Store, and then select Categories.
  4. On the Categories page, select Add.
  5. Enter a Category name and Description. You also have the option to edit the Category link. Your category link provides a direct URL to products in this category and should closely match your Category name.
  6. Note: While not required, adding keywords in the name and description fields helps customers find you.

  7. When you're done, select Save to close the window. The category is added to the Categories page.
  8. Rearrange the categories by clicking and dragging to change the order.
    Move categories
  9. Click and drag a category below or on top of another to make it a sub-category. Main categories can have two levels of subcategories. So "Clothes, then Shirts, and then Women" would work but "Clothes, then Shirts, then Women, and then Blouses" wouldn’t.
    Make sub-categories
  10. Once you've created a category, remember to create a product or edit existing products.
  11. To make your changes live, publish your site.

Tips and best practices

  • Use the pencil icon to change and edit existing categories, and the trash icon to delete categories you no longer want.
  • To see how your site looks to customers, select Website on your dashboard.

Related steps

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