SSL Certificates ヘルプ

Apache: Renew a certificate

After we approve your certificate renewal request, you can download your SSL and intermediate certificate. For more information, see Download my SSL certificate files. You must install both files on your Web server.

You can also download the intermediate certificate here.

Follow the instructions below to download and install the renewed SSL certificate on your Web server.

Installing Renewed SSL Certificate and the Intermediate Certificate

Before you install your renewed SSL certificate you must install our intermediate certificate bundle (null) on your Web server. You may also download the intermediate certificate bundle from the repository.

  1. Copy your renewed certificate, intermediate certificate bundle and key file (generated when you created the Certificate Signing Request (CSR)) into the directory that you will be using to hold your certificates.
  2. Open the Apache httpd.conf file and add the following directives:
    • SSLCertificateFile /path to certificate file/your issued certificate
    • SSLCertificateKeyFile /path to key file/your key file
    • SSLCertificateChainFile /path to intermediate certificate/null
  3. Save your httpd.conf file and restart Apache.

Restarting Your Web Server

You may use SSH to access your server. If you are using Windows on your computer, you can use the free, downloadable putty SSH/Telnet client to access your Linux server.

To restart your server:

  1. Start Putty
  2. Select the "SSH" protocol option; then type in your IP address in the "Host Name" field.
  3. Click "Open." This will connect you to your server.
  4. Log in as "root"; or enter "su:root"

  5. Once logged in, you can restart the Web server by entering the following command:
    /usr/local/sbin/apachectl graceful