Websites + Marketing ヘルプ

Change my site profile information

By default, your website's profile automatically uses your account's email, along with the site name, physical address, business category and phone number you entered when first setting up your website. If necessary, you can change that information.

This video is part of the How-To series for Adding Advanced Functionality in Website Builder.

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Scroll down, expand Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your website.
  3. Select Edit Website or Edit Site.
  4. Select Settings.
  5. Select Basic Information and update your site name, business category, email, physical address or phone number.
  6. Select Done.
  7. If you want to update the phone number on your website header, select Website, and then select your header. Scroll down to update your phone number. Select Done again.
  8. Your changes are saved automatically. Use Preview to see the results, and when you're ready to make the changes public, publish your site.

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