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Change or delete email forwarding in Microsoft 365

Edit or delete email forwards in the Email & Office Dashboard. You can change the email address that the forwarding address is sending to or delete it so that it no longer forwards.

  1. Sign in to your Email & Office Dashboard (use your GoDaddy username and password).
  2. On the leftmost side, select Microsoft 365 Admin, and then Email Forwarding.
    Select Email Forwarding from the Microsoft 365 Admin menu

Edit email forwarding

  1. Select Edit icon in Email & Office Dashboard Edit.
  2. Edit the Forward mail to address, and the Keep a copy of forwarded mail option, or both.
    Edit Email Forwarding details and select save
  3. When you're done, select Save.

Delete email forwarding

  1. Select Delete icon in Email & Office Dashboard Delete.
  2. Make sure you're deleting the correct forwarding, and then select Delete.
    Delete Email Forwarding and confirm deletion

Return to the Email Forwards page to create, edit or delete email forwarding for a user.

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