Managed WordPress Ecommerce ヘルプ

Manually export customer, order, and coupon data in bulk

You can export customers, orders, and coupons manually at any time. When you begin a bulk export or export items from the Orders or Users lists, a modal will appear to let you know the export is processing.

Required: Customer/Order/Coupon Export is a premium WooCommerce extension included with WordPress Ecommerce Hosting or as a standalone purchase.
  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. In the admin menu sidebar, choose WooCommerce and then Export.
  3. On the Manual Export tab, update the following settings:
    • Output type: Choose to export your file in CSV or XML format.
    • Export type: Choose whether to export orders, customers, or coupons.
    • Format: Select a predefined or custom format.
    • Filename: Enter a name for the file generated by this export.
    • Mark as exported: Enable to ensure the exported data is excluded from future exports.
  4. Update the Export Options section to target particular orders (and include order notes), customers, or coupons. The available options will change based on your selected Output type.
    • If you have WooCommerce Subscriptions activated on your site and you’re exporting orders, you can also choose to export subscriptions orders only.
  5. Click Export

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