Websites + Marketing ヘルプ

Set up an offline payment method

In addition to online payment options, create an offline payment method for your customers to pay you in person or through an invoice, with cash, checks or a bank transfer.

Offline payments are enabled by default for online appointments, no action needed. However, you must enable offline payments for online store physical products. Offline payments don't work for digital products.

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Scroll down, expand Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your site.
  3. On your dashboard, expand Store, and then select Settings.
  4. Select Payments.
  5. In the Accept offline payments section, select Enable.
  6. Add text to the Payment title shown to customer and More instructions for the customer fields to guide customers. Both fields display a character countdown.
  7. When you're done, select Save.

Once offline payment is enabled, select Settings to edit the payment title or instructions, or select Turn Off to remove the offline payment option.

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