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What are some additional features of Checkout Add-ons?

WooCommerce Checkout Add-Ons offers a lot of ways to enhance your store's checkout experience. These add-ons can be used to gather useful customer information, provide gift services, or even upsell products that are in the cart! Refer to the sections below to get answers to your questions about Checkout Add-ons and its various features.

Required: Checkout Add-Ons is a premium WooCommerce extension included with Managed WordPress Ecommerce, Managed WooCommerce Stores, or as a standalone purchase.

Select a question to see its answer:

What are the character limits for "Text" and "Text Area" add-on types?

These add-on types don't have character limits, but you can suggest a limit to your customers from the Checkout Label or Description fields. If you need to enforce a limit, refer to the WooCommerce developer docs to learn how to do it with custom code.

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Can multiple files be uploaded by customers using the "File" add-on?

Each File add-on will only allow a single file upload. However, you can include multiple File add-on fields if necessary. Alternatively, you can encourage ZIP file uploads to include multiple files using only one File add-on field.

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Do add-ons only appear when customers are purchasing certain products?

By default, add-ons and their associated pricing apply to the entire cart. Display rules can be set so that an add-on only appears when specific products or categories are in the cart, but the add-on and its associated discount or fee will still be applied to the entire cart.

If you need product-specific add-on options and price settings, consider adding the Product Add-ons extension to your site.

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Can the Checkout Add-Ons extension be used with One Page Checkout?

Yes, Checkout Add-ons supports One Page Checkout from version 1.3.0 onward.

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Can an add-on be hidden from the Orders list?

Any checkout field can be temporarily hidden from the Orders list by using the Screen Options tool.

Note: The Display in View Orders screen attribute must be enabled in order for the add-on to appear here.

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Can the way add-ons appear on the checkout page be changed?

Add-on fields inherit the styling set by your site's main theme, and therefore should match the rest of your styling by default.

Target #wc_checkout_add_ons with some CSS to add different styling. Learn more about custom CSS styling in WooCommerce.

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Can HTML be used in add-on field options?

HTML can be used in the options of Radio and Multi-checkbox add-on types. The HTML elements should be individually wrapped in double braces:

{{<a href="link">}} Link Text {{</a>}}

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Can placeholders and descriptions be added?

Yes, you can add these using code snippets. Refer to the examples in the WooCommerce developer docs to learn more.

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