Websites + Marketing ヘルプ

Choose my website's color

Quickly change the accent color used on your website by selecting one of the suggested colors or picking your own color.

This video is part of the How-To series for Build Your Own Website.

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Scroll down, expand Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your website.
  3. Select Edit Website.
  4. Select THEME.
  5. Select Color.
  6. Select one of the suggested colors, pick a custom color or enter the hexadecimal code of the color you want to use.
  7. Use the Paint your site slider to adjust how light, colorful or dark your site is overall. You can still change each section's color individually.
  8. Select WEBSITE to go back to editing your site.
  9. Your changes are saved automatically. Use Preview to see the results, and when you're ready to make the changes public, publish your site.

More info

  • For more tips and best practices, check out how to set up your visual brand.
  • When deciding on a color, a popular tool is the Adobe Color site. It can help you pick a color, extract a color from an image you like (or your logo), and even check for accessibility for color blindness.
  • While you're setting your site color, also think about choosing your site fonts.
  • If you don't like your site's new color but can't remember what you had before, restore your website to a previous version.
  • To change the overall layout of your website, change your theme.