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Frequently asked questions for the enhanced checkout for WooCommerce stores

Check some frequently asked questions below to find more information about how the enhanced checkout works as well as other useful information.

Select a question to see its answer:

Does the enhanced checkout support all the options the default WooCommerce page does?

Yes! All functionality that the default WooCommerce checkout page supports is also supported by the enhanced checkout page. Some examples are:

  • show coupon field,
  • supported payment gateways,
  • currency,
  • tax,
  • shipping,
  • account settings (allow guest checkout, user registration,etc),
  • emails, and more.

Would the default WooCommerce checkout page ever be shown?

After you have activated the enhanced checkout, the default WooCommerce checkout page will be shown again until you disable it. The enhanced checkout is compatible with:

Why does shipping options not appear if only virtual products are selected?

Since virtual products don't require shipping, the shipping address fields and shipping options won't show in checkout.

Is my custom plugin supported?

Not all plugins are supported, but the following WooCommerce extensions are compatible for customizing the enhanced checkout:

  • You can change the display of the checkout fields by using the Checkout Field Editor plugin. Any fields you add/edit/remove using this plugin will sync with the enhanced checkout as well.
  • You can add more checkout fields if you'd like to offer more options during the checkout process by using the Checkout Add-Ons plugin.
  • You can further customize your products by using the Product Add-Ons plugin.

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