SSL Certificates ヘルプ

Verify my SSL certificate request for an Organization Validation (OV) or Extended Validation (EV) certificate

Select the type of certificate you requested:

Organization Validation certificate

After you request an Organization Validation certificate, our verification team will help you:

  • Prove you control the domain(s)
  • Prove your organization's identity and eligibility for an Organization Validation certificate

Prove you control the domain(s) for your OV certificate

If your SSL certificate is in the same GoDaddy account as the domain(s) on the request, you don’t need to prove that you control the domain(s). We do that for you with the information we have.

If your SSL certificate is in a different account than the domain(s) on the request, we'll send two emails to help you prove your domain control.

  • Verification link email – This email has a link that you can select to confirm you control the domain. It is sent to the official contact email addresses for the domain listed in the WHOIS directory. This ensures that the verification link is only available to someone with administrative access to the domain.
  • Verification process email – This email is sent to the contact email address for the account with the SSL certificate. The email has instructions on how to prove domain control. It doesn't have the link to confirm you control the domain.

If you have access to one of the WHOIS email addresses, select the link in the verification link email to verify you control the domain. This is the easiest way to prove you control the domain.

If you don't have access to the WHOIS email addresses, you need to verify domain ownership (HTML or DNS) for your SSL certificate.

The sooner you select the verification link in the email we send you, or make the DNS or HTML changes, the sooner we can issue your certificate.

Prove your organization's identity and eligibility for an OV certificate

You prove your organization's identity and eligibility by sending us documents containing the following information:

  • The organization's name
  • Address
  • Telephone number (which we call before issuing your certificate)

Our verification team will tell you which documents they need for your certificate. Documentation requests for organizations may include:

  • Business license
  • Sales & Use Tax certificate (neither the number nor the Federal Employment Identification Number (FEIN) alone are acceptable)
  • "Doing Business As" (DBA) documentation
  • Fictitious-name documentation
  • Occupational tax certificate/license
  • Non-profit organization tax exemption certificate
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Utility bill, or bank or credit card statement that displays address and phone number
  • A letter of attestation from an attorney or CPA

Once you prove control of the domain(s) and provide the requested documents to prove your organization's identity and eligibility, we'll issue your certificate within one business day.

Next step for OV certificates

Required: To continue manually installing an OV certificate, download the certificate files to your computer.

Extended Validation certificate

After you request an Extended Validation certificate, our verification team will help you:

  • Prove you control the domain(s)
  • Prove your identity and eligibility for an Extended Validation certificate

Prove you control the domain(s) for your EV certificate

If your SSL certificate is in the same GoDaddy account as the domains on the request, you don’t need to prove that you control the domain(s). We do that for you and will let you know when the certificate is ready.

If your SSL certificate is in a different account than the domain(s) on the request, we'll send two emails to help you prove your domain control.

  • Verification link email – This email has a link that you can select to confirm you control the domain. It is sent to the official contact email addresses for the domain listed in the WHOIS directory. This ensures that the verification link is only available to someone with administrative access to the domain.
  • Verification process email – This email is sent to the contact email address for the account with the SSL certificate. The email has instructions on how to prove domain control. It doesn't have the link to confirm you control the domain.

If you have access to one of the WHOIS email addresses, select the link in the verification link email to verify you control the domain. This is the easiest way to prove you control the domain.

If you don't have access to the WHOIS email addresses, you need to verify domain ownership (HTML or DNS) for your SSL certificate.

The sooner you select the verification link in the email we send you, or make the DNS or HTML changes, the sooner we can issue your certificate.

Prove your identity and eligibility for an EV certificate

You prove your identity and eligibility by sending us documents containing the following information:

  • Yours or the organization's name
  • Address
  • Telephone number (which we call before issuing your certificate)

Which documents we accept depends on whether the certificate is being issued to an individual or an organization. Our verification team will tell you which documents they need for your certificate.

Documentation requests may include:

  • Business license
  • "Doing Business As" (DBA) documentation
  • Fictitious-name documentation
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Certificate request signed by certificate requestor and certificate approver
  • Signed contact agreement for all initial requests and changes to authorized signer
  • Notarized personal statement attestation (for non-LLC or Inc. businesses)
  • Notarized face-to-face attestation statement (for non-LLC or Inc. businesses)
  • Notarized copy of the photo ID used for identity validation (for non-LLC or Inc. businesses)
  • Verified legal opinion or certified public accountant letter, depending on results from other validation methods

Once you prove control of the domain(s) and provide the requested documents to prove identity and eligibility, we'll issue your certificate within one business day.

Next step for EV certificates

Required: To continue manually installing an EV certificate, download the certificate files to your computer.