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Change my Microsoft 365 user's admin permissions

Accounts with admin permissions in the Email & Office Dashboard have full access to your Microsoft 365 organization. Admin users can manage several aspects of your organization, including security options and mail flow settings. If you have an email add-on like Advanced Email Security, Email Archiving or Email Backup, admin users also have admin permissions for each add-on.

Admin users have ADMIN next to their display name in your Email & Office Dashboard. Change their setting at any time.

  1. Sign in to your Email & Office Dashboard (use your GoDaddy username and password).
  2. Next to the user you want to update, select Manage.
  3. In the Account information section, select Edit. (You might need to scroll to the bottom of the page.)
  4. Under Administrator permissions, select Yes or No to change whether the user is an admin.
    Note: There must be at least 1 admin in your organization. If you can't select No for the desired account, you may need to designate another account as an admin first.
  5. Select Save. It can take up to 15 minutes for the change to take effect.

To help keep your organization secure, we recommend only giving admin access to accounts that need it. We also encourage admin users to set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) as an extra layer of protection for their accounts.

Related steps

  • To require a specific admin to set up an MFA method, enable MFA for their account.
  • To require all users to add an MFA method, enable security defaults for your organization.

More info

  • Accounts with administrator permissions in the Email & Office Dashboard are assigned the Global admin role in the Microsoft platforms. Learn more about admin roles from Microsoft.
  • Tips for protecting my email